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This is MR x SOUVIK. Thank you for visiting our website. Our Aim is to provide some top games. We take them from the Play Store and provide you in a downloadable format. We scan each and every file with VIRUS TOTAL to ensure its safety. We do not modify or change any files of any game. All are 100% untouched unmodified original files. We don’t ask for any of your personal data. You can download any content from our website without login and for absolutely free. For tutorials and guides visit our social channels. For any issues contact us directly via Telegram. All social links given below.
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About team
This site is developed and maintained by Souvik Haldar. It was launched on 11’th October 2022.
mrxsouvik.com is an independent entity of publication. We are not associated with anyone by any means. All articles including site logo, site design and site name are copyright protected.